Giant Cupcake making: Take 2

Okay, so I made another giant cupcake, this time with only a single recipe instead of doubling it (I don't use box mixes, so just use whatever recipe you have), or any from my blog!

*BEFORE DOING ANYTHING: SPRAY THE PAN WITH NON-STICK BAKING SPRAY. This will guarantee that the cake will pop right out later.

I poured the single batch of batter into both sides of the huge cupcake pan with a little more in the spiral "top" part, at 350 degrees for 42 minutes.

*Side-note: Do not open the oven during baking time, or the cake might fall!

If you do want the cupcake as large as you can get it (see previous post), you'll have to double the recipe. Then, you pour more batter into the "bottom" part of the mold, than the "top" part. Try cooking it at 325 degrees for 45-55 minutes. If the "top" part is already cooked, you can do something I did, and quickly take it out of the oven, gingerly take out the "top" part, and put back the "bottom" part checking it every 5 minutes or so until a knife comes out clean when you poke it in the center. It was pretty difficult popping out the "top" part, but I managed to do it with 2 knives on either side and my thumbs in the middle, flipping it onto a gotta do it fast!

My first try at this giant cupcake, resulted in burnt edges...but I think if I had baked it at a lower heat for a longer time, it would have been less crispy.  Not to mention, perhaps baking one half at a time is a good idea, too.

batter in giant cupcake panCupcake Driveby

When the cupcakes have cooled, cut off the rounded tops of each side with a large serrated knife, so that when you put them together with icing, it lies flat.

Good luck everyone! And feel free to post your own results, because this is certainly one of those things where temperature and batter amount could change the outcome.


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